The Compounding Pharmacy Web Site
Updating your outdated web site isn’t a good idea - it’s the most powerful marketing move you can make.
Why your web site is critical to compounding pharmacy success.
How do people learn about your pharmacy? Do they hop in their car and drive over to see what you’re up to? It’s possible. But most people who are curious about your pharmacy are just going to surf over to your web address, and check out your web site.
In the old days, every company had a brochure that told that organization’s story. If you wanted to know about a company, you got a hold of their brochure. Seriously - you’d call them and ask them to mail you a copy. That’s how it worked.
Now, that “company brochure” is your web site. It’s the very first stop for most people who want to know anything about your pharmacy.
“The qualities or failings of your web site will be instantly transferred right onto your pharmacy.”
And the information they seek is just half of the story. During their visit, they’re also going to start making judgments and reaching conclusions about your business. They begin that process the moment they land on your home page.
And here’s the rub - the qualities (or failings) of your web site will be instantly transferred right onto your pharmacy.
If your site looks or feels out of date, they may assume your pharmacy is, too. If there are typos or incomplete information, visitors may assume you’re not concerned with details. If your site content is geared primarily towards medical professionals, you’ll have a difficult time connecting with regular people.
Your web site is your job interview. It’s your tryout for the team. It’s your one chance to convince a stranger that they should be doing business with you. If you don’t convince them during that visit, you may never get another opportunity.
Of course, nobody is going to tell you that your web site is less than it should be. It’s just going to be out there, harming your brand, until you decide to fix it.
Earn the trust they want to give you.
Pharmacists are among the most trusted professions in this country. People want to trust you and the pharmacy. It’s up to you to reinforce that trust, and one of the most effective and far reaching ways to do that is with a modern, attractive, easy to use web site.
More people will interact with your web site than any other communication tool you use. Think about that for a moment. To say that an optimized web site is important to your marketing success is a wild understatement.
“Pharmacists are among the most trusted professions in this country.”
For most visitors, assessing your web site is a “Pass or Fail” proposition. If they generally like what they see, and can find what they’re looking for, you are good to go. But if they decide your web site is a fail, then your pharmacy most likely just lost a potential customer. The internet is always on, so whatever your site is doing, it’s doing it 24 hours a day, seven days a week, week in and week out.
No business based on trust can afford to have a less-than-great web site.
How does an Ad Ease web site project work?
In a word, easily. We’ll start with a conversation, a review of your current site and budget if you have one, and from there, we’ll create a detailed estimate, structure diagram, and a series of project deadlines.
If you have an established brand, we’ll integrate those elements as we design your new site. If you don’t have a defined brand, we’ll create a modern look and feel for your site with fonts, colors, and graphics.
If you need any photos or video of your pharmacy, we’ll send a “micro-crew” of just two people to capture everything you need in a single day, while the pharmacy operates as usual.
We can even help you decide, based on business and your market, which services to feature the most prominently on your site.
Sites typically take about 60 days to develop from the time we receive or shoot photos and video of your pharmacy.
A word about the Ad Ease web site model.
The internet is teeming with medical and health information. We believe that the time when you had to provide all that information on your pharmacy web site has passed. Most of that information doesn’t directly help you anyway, so we prefer to focus on the things that do.
The Ad Ease model focuses on your pharmacy, your services, and your products. This makes your web site cleaner, easier to navigate, and quicker to build - three advantages enjoyed by you and your visitors.
Web site features and options:
Fully branded, beautiful site optimized for every device
Connect Social Media accounts
Sell unlimited products
Integrated e-mail marketing
Integrated appointment scheduling
Integrated blog publishing
User accounts
Easy-to-use interface for do-it-yourself changes
Extensive usage, traffic, and store statistics
You’re a few short months away from launching a powerful new web site.
From what we’ve heard from clients, web site projects tend to run long, blowing past deadlines and eating up budgets. Not ours. Before we begin, we’ll provide a detailed estimate that outlines every feature of your web site, the services we’ll provide, and all of the estimated costs. We’ll also provide a delivery deadline, and historically we hit those 100% of the time.
Want to know more or get an estimate? We’re ready when you are.